London, UK

Hello 2021, Gratitude & Nature Walks | Wellbeing Wednesday #3

20 January 2021

Twenty days into the new year and I'm uploading my first post. And it's only the third post in the #wellbeingwedsnesday series!

 I've been reluctant to say Happy New Year to people this year knowing what people have been through last year, this year might not have started off like everyone would have hoped. So instead I wave goodbye to 2020, and welcome in 2021 with the hope that it will be better for us all. 

In this post, I want to talk about something that really helped me through the endless days in lockdown last year and that's walking! I know I know you must be sick of hearing about people going on walks etc etc. But last year, I really started appreciating the little things that I would normally take for granted. I learnt a lot about life and myself including what really brings me joy, what truly matters in life, how to actively practice gratitude and so much more that I won't bore you with!

One thing that stood out for me last year was going on walks (and the occasional bike ride in the summer!) in forest areas and parks. It was a really important part of my week (and continues to be important to me) because it helped clear my mind and allowed me time to think. No matter what the weather was, rain or shine, I was out. I guess it became a part of my weekly routine. And one thing I loved was watching the changes to the trees and the landscape as the seasons changed from spring to summer to autumn. 

I really encourage everyone to try and fit some walks into their week (whilst abiding by the lockdown rules!). If you don't have a forest area close to where you live, try to find some open park space or adventure around your local area on foot ... you might find places you've never been to right on your doorstep! 

(Sidenote: I want to thank the amazing queen Taylor Swift for her albums last year which were PERFECT walking/biking music)

If my words didn't encourage you to venture out, maybe these pictures will persuade you!

 If you have anything you want me to write about or you want to learn about a specific psychology-related or wellbeing related thing, message me your suggestions!

 I'll see you for another Wellbeing Wednesday post soon :) 
Stay safe!


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