London, UK

2018 vibes

18 January 2018

Hello! Long time since I last posted - I apologise. Hope you enjoy :)

For me, 2018 will be a year of stepping out of my comfort zone and just writing that scares me. What happens when we don't step out of our comfort zones is that life gets comfortable, and yes that's great but you don't challenge yourself and life gets boring. When things get scary, don't run away. Run straight for it with determination.

You can. 

This is one of my daily affirmations - I remind myself everyday that I can do this. Whatever it is, you can do it. You just have to keep reminding yourself that whatever you put mind to, you have the ability to do it. You need self-belief, confidence and trust in yourself that you can make your goals come true. Even if you don't have the belief that you can (because sometimes I doubt myself), fake it till you make it! 

You have the power within yourself to make those dreams a reality, you just have to go for it.

In 2017, I made a major leap and applied for numerous psychology placements, knowing that this would DEFINITELY be something that was out of my comfort zone, I was determined to achieve my goal and did whatever I could to make sure I got an interview. After what seemed like thousands of rejections and no replies, I was finally accepted for an interview! And I'm not going to lie, I was nervous as heck. Long story short, in September 2017, I started the placement and for those next few weeks I just thought to myself that I am definitely out of my league here. 

Getting to know the team, my role, how everything works - lets just say everything was very overwhelming. But I got through it and look at me now, almost 5 months in and I am loving every second and so glad and grateful at my past self that I didn't give up on applying for placements because I have learnt so so much. 

So really what I'm trying to say is that you never know what you can achieve if you don't try. You never know your ability and how much you can handle if you don't throw yourself into situations that might make you feel uncomfortable. Those situations make you stronger.

So right now, if there is something in your life that you're too scared to go for, this is your sign to just go for it. Your future self will thank you for it. 

Now go live your best life and make 2018 great! I believe in you.

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